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At Hosted Journeys, our guests remain at the heart of everything we do, and to provide a safe and responsible environment across all our departures, we’ve implemented enhanced procedures with our HJ-Health-Safe Program. As the world reopens to travel and tourism, Hosted Journeys are committed to ensuing our departures operate in a safe and responsible way. In line with the World Health Organisation and the Australian Government Health and travel advisors, such as smart traveller and DFAT, we have reviewed our health and safety policies as found below.



In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important that you understand the many factors that may affect your travel arrangements prior to commencing or during your travels. It is important to understand that Hosted Journeys cannot be held responsible for:

  • Government restrictions that may impact your holiday plans (including opening/closing of any border)

  • Costs incurred to rearrange your travel

  • Any guarantee that you will be entitled to refunds for any affected arrangements


Hosted Journeys will always work closely with travel providers to seek the most favourable outcome in the event your holiday plans are affected.


Fit for Travel 

If you have travelled overseas 2 months prior to your departure on a Hosted Journey you will be required to obtain a travel clearance from your GP to ensure you are showing no signs of COVID-19 or any other communicable disease.


Our Travel Partners

Hosted Journeys use multiple travel partners throughout our departures, and we ensure to always use the most reputable travel providers to ensure that your holiday experience is second to none. We are very selective in who we work with and only choose those that we are confident will consistently adhere to not only abide by industry standards but exceed them. All third-party travel providers are required to adhere to strict COVID-19 safety precautions set out by the Australian Government.

Social distancing measures will be in place wherever practical. Where this is not practical our travel partners will be committed to ensure that the highest levels of cleaning and hygiene will be applied.


Our Tour Hosts

Hosted Journeys’ Tour Hosts will be trained in new and enhanced hygiene and physical distancing procedures prior to the departure.


Support Behind the Scenes

Not only will your tour host be taking care of you during your departure, our Hosted Journeys team will be behind the scenes ready to assist and update the host with any new developments across the world. Our support team will be there for the host offering 24 hour assistance, so you can rest assured that you’re in good hands.


Health on Tour 

All guests are asked to follow hygiene practices recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and these can be found on their website

General health practices include regular washing of hands and sanitizing. Hosted Journeys are committed to supplying 1 small bottle of hand sanitizer per person, however it is recommended that you take additional sanitizer, face masks, gloves and sanitizing wipes to ensure you feel comfortable.


Personal Responsibility

Hosted Journeys has introduced these enhanced hygiene protocols in conjunction with their travel partners to ensure the safety of you, other guests and our tour hosts. It is important to understand that an inherent risk of exposure to Covid-19 exists in any public place. Covid-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death.

Hosted Journeys ask that you as a travelling guest take personal responsibility for your health and wellbeing as well as your fellow travellers.

In choosing to travel with Hosted Journeys and their travel partners you voluntary assume all risks related to exposure of Covid-19.


Frequently Asked Questions

How will you decide when it is safe to return to certain countries?

As Hosted Journeys start releasing new departures, the safety and wellbeing of our guests and hosts will remain the utmost priority, therefore the decisions we make on the destinations we choose to travel to will be based on a number of factors…

  • The foreign travel and health advice from Government Authorities, such as the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and the World Health Organisation.

  • Which countries and regions are open and accepting Australian Passport holders as visitors

  • Which countries are deemed appropriate for the guests that travel with Hosted Journeys


What are you doing to increase hygiene and safety on Hosted Journeys departures?

Hosted Journeys have implemented enhanced procedures with our HJ-Health-Safe Program. All of our departures will undergo a comprehensive risk assessment and audit prior to release of the brochure. Increased hygiene and sanitation will be adhered to on tour by our Tour Host and also the travel suppliers we work with. As guests you will be supplied with a personal bottle of hand sanitizer with your travel documentation.


As a guest will I require a screening or Covid-19 test prior to travel?

If you have travelled overseas within 2 months prior to departing on a Hosted Journey you will be required to obtain a travel clearance from your GP to ensure you are showing no signs of Covid-19 or any other communicable disease.

At the group pre-departure meeting you will be required to complete a self-assessment health form and report any Covid-19 symptoms.  If you are showing any symptoms or if you have come in close contact with someone who has suspected or confirmed Covid-19, you will be required to seek medical advice for a clearance to travel.


Can I get a refund if I am unwell before my trip and unable to travel?

If you are unwell prior to travelling, please stay at home and contact your consultant to discuss your individual circumstances. Please refer to the Terms & Conditions outlined on the back of the brochure or on our website for details on our Deposit, Final Payment, Refund and Cancellation policies.


Will travel insurance cover me for cancellation penalties if I need to cancel if I am unwell or have Covid-19?

It is important to speak directly with your insurance provider regarding coverage of Covid-19 or any other illness. Each insurance policy is different and will offer different coverage. Travel Insurance providers may cover cancellation due to unforeseen illnesses, most providers will not provide cover for pre-existing conditions (unless a premium is paid to cover that condition) and most insurance providers will not cover cancellation if you catch Covid-19 or any other communicable disease. It is highly recommended that you confirm these details prior to taking out your travel insurance.


What if there is a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 on my Hosted Journey?

If you, another guest, the Tour Host or any other supplier travelling with the group has symptoms of Covid-19 while travelling on a Hosted Journey, we will assist them to get urgent medical care. We will follow the advice of local health authoriries to determine if a Covid-19 test is required and if the person needs to self-isolate or quarantine. As assessment will also be made on whether there is a risk to other travelers in the group.

In the event that a Covid-19 case is confirmed, full health and safety protocols will be enacted, including…

  • Informing local health authorities

  • Informing the group of potential exposure

  • Sanitation protocols such as deep cleaning and disinfecting of accommodation and transport

  • Working with the travel provider on the ground to ensure all of their protocols are put in place

Please note that while Hosted Journeys will assist to ensure that you get all of the help and support you require, all expenses for testing, treatment or self-isolation will be covered by the travelers.


Will Travel Insurance cover me if I get Covid-19 while travelling?

It is important to speak directly with your insurance provider regarding coverage of Covid-19 or any other illness. Each insurance policy is different and will offer different coverage. Some insurance providers will cover for medical treatment whilst overseas if you catch Covid-19. It is highly recommended that you confirm these details prior to taking out your travel insurance.


Will I have to wear a mask when travelling and will Hosted Journeys provide masks?

Hosted Journeys will follow the advice of the World Health Organisation and the Australian Government regarding the advice around wearing a mask. In some destinations it is compulsory to wear a mask in public, in these cases all guests and Tour Hosts of Hosted Journeys will be required to adhere to this advice. It is important for you as a responsible traveller to ensure you are checking the travel advice for your destination. Hosted Journeys will not be responsible for providing travelers with masks, all guests and Tour Hosts will need to obtain their own supply of masks prior to travelling on a Hosted Journey if required.


As a guest will I need to provide my own hand sanitizer and other sanitation products?

Hosted Journeys will supply each guest with a small bottle of hand sanitizer prior to travel. We are also working with local travel providers on transport and in accommodation to have hand sanitizer available, however this can not always be guaranteed. It is recommended that as a responsible traveller you should bring your own personal supply of items for when it may not be available. Reccommended items are…

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Disinfectant wipes

  • Disinfectant spray

  • Face masks

  • Saline nasal spray


Will Hosted Journeys put limits on the number of travelers in a vehicle to adhere to social distancing?

In the lead up to any Hosted Journey departure we will be auditing all Covid-19 restrictions relating to the destination. Hosted Journeys will consider all local laws and requirements regarding to physical distancing on transport, as well as all hygiene protocols of the transport provider.


I am a solo traveller, will I have to share a room with a stranger?

As a solo traveller you will have the choice to secure your own room by paying the single supplement outlined on the back of the Hosted Journey brochure. If you do not want to pay the single supplement Hosted Jouneys can liaise with your consultant to match you up with a same gender traveller that is willing to share. Your consultant will facilitate contact between you both prior to confirmation to ensure that you can meet and agree that you are compatible travellers. Please note that a match can not be guaranteed and if another solo traveller is not available, the single supplement must be paid.


Will there be changes to the itinerary and inclusions of my trip due to Covid-19 related travel restrictions?

Hosted Journeys operational team will stay up to date with local developments, including any closures or changes to sights and attractions. As the situation evolves and we get closer to a Hosted Journey departure an audit and risk assessment will be completed relating to the destination. If any changes are required to the itinerary and inclusions Hosted Journeys will only do so in the best interest of the guests health and well-being. Hosted Journeys will endeavor to keep all guests updated before departure as well as any changes that need to be made on tour. An open mind and sense of flexibility will be one of the most important things to pack for your tour and ensure that you have an enjoyable holiday.



*Prices are per person twin share, in AUD and subject to availability. Additional fees may apply. Please refer to specific brochure's terms and conditions.

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